8 key factors when considering buying your first electric vehicle

Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular as people look for more sustainable and environmentally friendly ways to get around. If you’re thinking of making the switch to an electric vehicle (EV), there are a few things you need to consider before taking the plunge. Here are eight key factors to keep in mind when considering buying your first electric vehicle.

Driving range

One of the main concerns people have about electric vehicles is range anxiety – the fear of running out of charge and being stranded. While this is a valid concern, it’s important to keep in mind that the average person only drives around 40 miles per day. Most EVs on the market have a range of 100-200 miles, which should be more than enough for the average driver. But, of course, if you often take long road trips or drive in rural areas, an EV might not be the best option. It’s also important to remember that range can vary based on factors like weather and terrain.

If you live in a cold climate, your range will likely be lower in the winter as the battery struggles to maintain charge in the cold weather. Similarly, if you’re driving in hilly or mountainous terrain, you’ll use more energy going up and down hills, which will drain your battery faster. So when it comes to range anxiety, it’s important to research and make sure you’re choosing an EV that will meet your needs.

Charging time

Another important consideration when it comes to electric vehicles is charging time. Depending on your charger, charging your EV can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours. Level 1 chargers, the slowest and most common type, typically take 8-10 hours to charge an EV. Level 2 chargers, which are faster than Level 1 chargers, normally take 3-4 hours to charge an EV. And finally, Level 3 chargers, the fastest charger, can charge an EV in as little as 30 minutes.

So, when considering an electric vehicle, it’s essential to consider where you’ll be charging it and how long you’re willing to wait for it to charge. If you have access to a Level 2 or Level 3 charger at home or work, then charging time may not be a major consideration. But if you only have access to a Level 1 charger, then you may want to consider a different EV or plan your trips around when you’ll have time to charge.


One of the biggest considerations when it comes to electric vehicles is cost. EVs are typically more expensive than traditional gasoline cars, both upfront and over the long term.

The sticker price of an EV can be several thousand dollars higher than a comparable gasoline car. However, there are many factors that affect the total cost of ownership of a car, and EVs often come out ahead in this category.

For example, EVs have much lower maintenance costs than gasoline cars. This is because they have far fewer moving parts, so there are fewer things that can break down. And since they don’t rely on oil changes, tune-ups, and other traditional maintenance procedures, their overall upkeep costs are lower.

In addition, EVs typically have lower fuel costs than gasoline cars. Electricity is cheaper than gas, so even though EVs may have higher upfront costs, they can save you money in the long run.

It’s been proven that it’s cheaper to run an electric vehicle compared with a car that uses gasoline, and this is especially correct when you take recent gas price hikes into consideration. You’ll likely save at least $100 per month by switching to electric when it comes to powering your vehicle, if not more.

You can also make money from the need to charge your electric vehicle. You’ll no doubt need some kind of charging station to keep your EV up and running, and this poses the option to set up a multi person point (such as in your apartment block or small neighborhood). This will give you easy access to an EV charging point, as well as a handy income from other users that can help you to cover the costs of your vehicle. You’d be surprised at just how sizable an EV ROI can be when the right steps are taken, so it’s certainly something that’s worth taking into consideration. 

Maintenance and Repair Costs

Like any other vehicle, electric vehicles will need regular maintenance and repairs—however, a few key things to remember when maintaining and repairing your electric car.

First, electric cars have far fewer moving parts than traditional gasoline-powered cars. This means that there are less opportunities for something to go wrong. Additionally, electric cars don’t require tune-ups or oil changes.

That said, electric cars have batteries that eventually need to be replaced. Depending on how often you drive and the terrain you drive on, your battery could last anywhere from 5 to 15 years. However, replacement batteries can be expensive, so it’s important to factor this cost into your overall ownership costs.

Another thing to keep in mind is that electric cars may require specialized equipment and training for maintenance and repairs, and don’t forget about those Electric car tires. As the electric car market continues to grow, there will likely be more mechanics who are qualified to work on them. However, for now, it’s essential to research to find a qualified technician before you have any issues with your car.

The Environmental Impact.

Electric vehicles have a much smaller ecological footprint than traditional gasoline cars. The emissions of greenhouse gasses and air pollutants are lower for electric vehicles, and the production of electric vehicles generates far less pollution than the production of conventional vehicles. Electric vehicles also use far less water than traditional vehicles during manufacturing and operation. Electric vehicles are a great choice if you’re concerned about climate change or the quality of the air we breathe.

In addition, electric vehicles are much quieter than gasoline cars. This is particularly beneficial in densely populated areas or where noise pollution is a major issue. The lack of engine noise also makes electric vehicles safer since pedestrians and cyclists are more likely to hear an approaching electric car than a traditional car.

Software Updates.

Not all electric vehicles are created equally. Some models have been on the market for a while, and others are brand new. It’s important to consider how often the manufacturer plans to release software updates for your particular model. Older models may not receive as many updates as newer models, which could mean that you’re missing out on important features and improvements. Newer models may require more frequent updates, but this is usually because they’re adding new features and improving. Either way, checking with the manufacturer before purchasing is important to see how often they plan to release software updates for your specific model.


Technology is one of the most important factors when considering buying your first electric vehicle. Various battery technologies are available on the market, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of battery technology you choose will significantly impact the range, performance, and cost of your electric vehicle. Additionally, many other new technologies are being developed for electric vehicles, such as autonomous driving, wireless charging, and solar charging. These new technologies can potentially significantly improve the efficiency and convenience of electric vehicles.

Vehicle Safety Assessments.

A final important factor to consider when purchasing an electric vehicle is the safety assessments that have been completed on the car. While all cars must undergo some sort of safety assessment, electric vehicles may have additional safety features that need to be considered. Therefore, it is important to check with the manufacturer to see what safety features are included in the car and whether or not they have been tested. Additionally, checking online reviews to see what others think about the car’s safety is essential.

In general, electric vehicles are very safe. They have many built-in safety features, such as airbags and seatbelts, that help protect passengers in case of an accident. Additionally, electric cars typically have a lower center of gravity than gasoline-powered cars, which makes them less likely to roll over. However, as with any car, there is always the potential for accidents to occur.

There are a number of factors to consider before purchasing your first electric vehicle. These factors include the cost of the vehicle, the range, the technology, the software updates, and the safety assessments. Additionally, it is important to check with the manufacturer to see what features and benefits are included with the car. By considering all of these factors, you can be sure to purchase the best electric vehicle for your needs.

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