Can you get car insurance with a bad driving record?

Whether or not you have a bad driving record, there is always a way to get an insurance deal. However, those with a bad driving record will have to fulfill more requirements and will typically have to pay more. 

Drivers with really bad driving records may have to find insurance through a high-risk or non-preferred insurer. These high-risk car insurance companies are required by most state DMVs to have an SR-22. This is a certificate of financial responsibility insurance.

Car insurance becomes a little bit trickier with a bad record and by trickier, we mean more expensive. It can also be tough to find an insurance carrier willing to insure you depending on how bad your bad driving record is really. 

If you want to drive and not pay an extortionate amount, you can benefit from taking extra courses, asking for a reassessment, and making your car safer.

For those looking for car insurance but who have a poor driving record, please take a look at the following infographic. It shows all you need to know about how to get car insurance with a bad record as well as how to get an affordable deal. The infographic makes it easy to understand the basics of car insurance for bad driving records to help you make better decisions. Check it out below. 

Infographic designed by Cheap Insurance Car Insurance with Bad Driving Record

Photo Credit: BMW

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