4 summer prep tips for car owners

Driving in summer is always a pleasure. The days are long, the roads stretch out before you just waiting to be explored, and any landscape you travel through is sure to look its best.

However, while plenty of attention is paid to ensuring that your car is ready for winter, less is said about the demands the warmest season of the year will place on your vehicle – which is quite the oversight. If you want to ensure that you can enjoy driving this summer, here are four car prep tips you’ll need to follow…

#1 – Check your tire tread depth

Checking your tire tread depth is the kind of maintenance check that should be done regularly anyway, but it’s all the more important to keep up-to-date during summer. For one thing, hot roads can quickly become slippery roads, so your tires being in good condition is crucial to keeping you safe in such conditions. What’s more, if you live in a part of the world where summer storms are common, you’ll definitely need your tires to have plenty of grip if you’re going to be driving on wet roads regularly.


The interior of a stationary vehicle can get surprisingly hot, surprisingly quickly, so unless you are 100% certain that you will always be able to park in shaded areas during summer, investing in a sun shade is sure to be a sensible choice. It’s best to look for reflective sun shades that cover the entire windshield snugly and, if possible, opt for full UV protection. While sun shades can’t prevent the internal temperature climbing completely, they do make a significant difference, so are well worth the investment.


A sun shade can help to prevent heat mounting in your vehicle when stationary, but when you’re on the road, there’s simply no replacement for fully functional air conditioning. However, simply relying on the fact that your AC will work as it should is far from ideal, especially if – like most drivers – you haven’t used the system much over the past few months. It’s therefore best to visit the likes of Certified Car Care for a full AC service, so you can be confident the system is ready and able to keep you cool and comfortable when driving throughout the summer.


Thus far, we have primarily focused on preparing your car itself for summer, but it’s also important to think about driving in summer – and in that regard, investing in a high-quality pair of sunglasses is essential. Polarized sunglasses are usefully the best choice for driving, and look for brown or amber tints to help increase contrast on the sunniest of days.


Any driver knows that they have to ensure that their car can handle the rigors of winter, but summer tends to receive far less attention. However, you can correct this oversight by ensuring you spend the last few weeks of spring following the tips above, so you’re ready to hit the road with full confidence when summer finally arrives.

Photo Credit: Tesla

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