Categories: Videos

Elderly play Grand Theft Auto V, hilarity ensues

Move over, cute kitten pics and assorted Instagram memes and thirst traps.

Fine Brothers posted a YouTube video of eight elderly folks playing Grand Theft Auto V and the group was given only basic instructions on how to play the video game and probably had no idea what they were in store for – all but making sure their reactions offered pure comedic relief.

In the video montage, each of the eight seniors – men and women – channeled their inner teenager while oogling at bikini-glad models, kicking exotic supercars and finally celebrating having figured out how to get behind the wheel of said cars.

And once they settled in the groove, these folks started having the sort of reckless fun and rush that the millions of Grand Theft Auto V gamers are accustomed to on the regular basis.

“I could steal the car? That’s really nice,” says one of the women who played the game for 30 minutes. Added one of the men: “You can do anything in this game… What are you doing on my sidewalk?” Another quipped: “They’re going to cancel my insurance!”

As far as social experiments go, this one is quite brilliant.

Slav Kandyba: